Wednesday, February 26, 2014

blogpost 5: Rock and roll as a global music

What is the most popular music genre ever? Few will say Hip-Hop. Many will say pop, But mostly will say Rock and roll. Yes you've heard it most of the people of the world will say that rock music is the most popular genre ever since 60 years before. I know not all of the people will say that rock music is the best. Its all because of they are saying that its too noisy. Some will say it will influence you by using drugs and etc.

According to the article "CULTURES OF POPULAR MUSIC" by Andy Bannett of stating that. rock and roll are popular when it comes to the youth. Mostly youth, because the youth reflects the music. They describe rock and roll, and they give meaning to it. according to Andy Bannett, She said that "The first indications of the extent of rock ’n’ roll’s global appeal came as newspapers around the world reported on the response of  local youth to screenings of the film Rock Around the Clock. However, it was not simply the consumption of rock ’n’ roll sounds and images from the US and Britain which transformed rock ’n’ roll into a youth music on a global scale.

I'am part of the youth too. I will support rock music until end. That's why I'd agree to Andy that the youth makes a certain band go so much strong. As a fan of Nirvana,AC/DC and Metallica I strongly support them so much.

Now, we all know that rock music is the best of the best. Now, what makes it the best? I decided to research about the idols who makes the rock and roll industries famous. Again According to the article  "CULTURES OF POPULAR MUSIC" by Andy Bannett of said that, many rock icons drew the face of rock and roll. Kurt Cobain is one of the legend of rock music. Elvis Presley is the so called father of rock music. To make things short, many artist drew and gives color to the face of rock and roll then and now. Andy Bannett said that "The rock and roll phenomenon was still need of an artist who could appeal to white audiences on a musical level, while at the same time retaining the rawness, sexuality and excitement associated with black rock and roll artist."

Starting from the most popular genre on earth. I think we a winner at the most popular artist with their genre. Rock icons, like I have said they are the one to whom we should thanking with. They have the things that makes us happy, always. My conclusion is what ever struggle rock industries will hold, we know that they can recover with a huge help by their supporters. If there is the time that we need to save rock and roll. Now that is the time, Us fans should thank them.

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