Wednesday, February 26, 2014

blogpost 5: Rock and roll as a global music

What is the most popular music genre ever? Few will say Hip-Hop. Many will say pop, But mostly will say Rock and roll. Yes you've heard it most of the people of the world will say that rock music is the most popular genre ever since 60 years before. I know not all of the people will say that rock music is the best. Its all because of they are saying that its too noisy. Some will say it will influence you by using drugs and etc.

According to the article "CULTURES OF POPULAR MUSIC" by Andy Bannett of stating that. rock and roll are popular when it comes to the youth. Mostly youth, because the youth reflects the music. They describe rock and roll, and they give meaning to it. according to Andy Bannett, She said that "The first indications of the extent of rock ’n’ roll’s global appeal came as newspapers around the world reported on the response of  local youth to screenings of the film Rock Around the Clock. However, it was not simply the consumption of rock ’n’ roll sounds and images from the US and Britain which transformed rock ’n’ roll into a youth music on a global scale.

I'am part of the youth too. I will support rock music until end. That's why I'd agree to Andy that the youth makes a certain band go so much strong. As a fan of Nirvana,AC/DC and Metallica I strongly support them so much.

Now, we all know that rock music is the best of the best. Now, what makes it the best? I decided to research about the idols who makes the rock and roll industries famous. Again According to the article  "CULTURES OF POPULAR MUSIC" by Andy Bannett of said that, many rock icons drew the face of rock and roll. Kurt Cobain is one of the legend of rock music. Elvis Presley is the so called father of rock music. To make things short, many artist drew and gives color to the face of rock and roll then and now. Andy Bannett said that "The rock and roll phenomenon was still need of an artist who could appeal to white audiences on a musical level, while at the same time retaining the rawness, sexuality and excitement associated with black rock and roll artist."

Starting from the most popular genre on earth. I think we a winner at the most popular artist with their genre. Rock icons, like I have said they are the one to whom we should thanking with. They have the things that makes us happy, always. My conclusion is what ever struggle rock industries will hold, we know that they can recover with a huge help by their supporters. If there is the time that we need to save rock and roll. Now that is the time, Us fans should thank them.

blogpost 7: Cultural Impact of rock music to people.

Rock and roll then until now has a huge impact when it comes to culture. If we're gonna look around on our surroundings, you'll see many heirlooms of rock and roll in a certain industry. Here in my home town in Manila you can easily identify who's and who is not.

So when it comes to rock culture many people we'll say are free. According to the article "The cultural impact of rock ’n’ roll" by Andy bannett of that when the band in that certain batch of audience. They had a huge impact when it comes to culture. Like emulating them for example the mood,genre and etc. Andy bannett even stated that "Half a century after it first appeared, it is easy to overlook the cultural impact of rock and roll on its audience. Yet, this musical style changed forever the way in which popular music was produced and marketed and also the way in which it was socially received."

We are all indeed influenced by rock culture. Even though some people are adopting or don't want to to adopt it. Still, we are under the influence of rock music.

But, how to people intend to join this kind of cultural influences? So I decided to take a research about it, and I found interesting facts. According to the article entitled "Influential Beats: The Cultural Impact of Music" by Selwyn Duke of stated that  music can change the world because, people are idolizing that certain artist and they're like giving praise to them. While listening to that certain band, they are like brain washed. Selwyn Duke said that "There perhaps is something primal about music, something that can touch or twist one’s soul. This is no doubt why Ludwig van Beethoven said, “Music can change the world,” and William Congreve famously wrote that music “has charms to soothe a savage breast.”

I agree with Selwyn by agreeing to Beethoven's quote and to his article because, for example The beatles they have been a huge effect to our culture then. Not just The Beatles many bands made a huge history in culture. To conclude this, I would like give a big thank you to our rock icons for making cultures that until now we use just for rock and roll.

blogpost 6: rock music and violence.

What comes first into your mind when you heard the word rock? mostly will say violent. For me it's true in the way that the music increases aggressive thoughts and feelings that can trigger your act of being a violent man/woman. In my opinion being violent after hearing a rock song is what you want to do, its your decision if you want to do something bad or what.

So i decided to take a research about rock and roll in connection to violence. According to the article "Violent Music Lyrics Increase Aggressive Thoughts and Feelings, According to New Study" by Craig Anderson of stated that it depends to the song what you are listening to. They have done experiment which they took five violent songs and test it to a normal person. They said that that certain song with violent lyrics that will sounds you like a rebel will surely trigger your act of violence. Craig Anderson said that "Results of the five experiments show that violent songs led to more aggressive interpretations of ambiguously aggressive words, increased the relative speed with which people read aggressive vs. nonaggressive words, and increased the proportion of word fragments that were filled in to make aggressive words."
In my experience, sometimes I had trouble with my attitude then. Its like I'm the only family member who is always violates everything. But in the end I've change my self. I had to do it, its like every person I know hates me. Its a lesson learn to my self.

The connection between rock music and violence are already been said. But how does it really means when it comes to your psychological experience. Base on my research on the article "Psychology of Violence" by Sherry Hamby of said that when it comes to violence there are many types that they can be. Sexual violence, youth violence and bullying. Sherry hamby said that "As a multidisciplinary forum, Psychology of Violence recognizes that all forms of violence and aggression are interconnected and require cross-cutting work that incorporates research from psychology, public health, neuroscience, sociology, medicine, and other related behavioral and social sciences."

For the most part, there is fairly consistent agreement as to what behaviors are included in the physical violence while influenced in rock music. people should have self control to them selves and they should be decreasing their temper when it comes to trouble things.


blogpost 4: rock and roll sex with dopamine

Sex? Drugs? They are hard to get, but easy to use. unless you're a rock star! Many people ask that, why are those things makes you go to heaven when taken? there are answers, its either good or bad. So I want to make sure why rock star can make easy sex and drugs. Now I made a decision to do some research.

According to the article "Sex, Drugs, and Rock and Roll: Problems in Neuroscience Reporting" by  Nate Kornell of stating that. There is a dopamine in two person while having sex. Dopamine means that its like the pleasure that your brains controls and also helps regulate movement and emotional responses. Dopamine deficiency results in Parkinson's Disease, and people with low dopamine activity may be more prone to addiction.which means that there are partners who are in love to each other, and they are addicted to have sex and to take drugs. "When two experiences evoke the same type of brain response, it doesn't mean they are the same. If I told you that driving and punching both involve hands, would you conclude that punching and driving were linked? What if I told you food and music both involve dopamine?." Nate Kornell said.

This is why rock icons are not struggling to find them a partner. there reason why too. First, money second, fame and third drugs. But is it risky or not? Drugs? Sex? Again and again? So I found findings about the risks about all of that. Rock icons is surely now that they are in a risks of danger when it comes to health.

According to the article "The Influence of Sex and Violence on the Appeal of Rock Music Videos" by Christine Hall Hansen of stating that the risks are in actions or in death. Actions, why? That person could be violent, it can kill,hurt and violate. But there is nothing to do here with sex, this a 90% sure with drugs. Christine Hall Hansen said that. "The effects of videos with high, moderate, and low levels of visual content indicated that negative emotional and reduced appeal of both the music and the visuals were related to the level of violence. Evidence was obtained from both experiments that the combination of sex and violence also decreased appeal. In addition, music arousal was found to have an effect on appeal. More arousing music was positively related to appeal and positive emotions in sexy videos, but its influence was found to be independent of visual sex."

Its hard to be like those rock icons. But its really hard if you handle the situation like theirs. It is surely a risky ways to be good as them. For my conclusion is, Even though how much we love to have sex and to take drugs, Its a good thing if we don't over use them. For us not to be that risky.

blogpost 3: rock music connecting to suicide

Suicide is not a good idea for solving any kind of problems. Kill your self is not an option. So many questions comes into our mind that, what causes suicide? It wont trigger me a thing. Well, everyone can come up with the kind of situation. I think this kind of should be discuss even though its so reiterate from then until now, but still I want these questions to be solve. So I decided to do some research about suicide connection to rock music.

What is the relation about suicide and rock music? Its simple, rock music can easily makes a person go wild and hates every one. So again, I decided to do some research about the relation of rock music and suicide. According to the article "Music and Violence – The Heavy Metal/Suicide Connection" by Anderson Carnagey of stating that, even rock bands influences themselves by committing suicide. Its is all about problems against  their life. For example, self pity and anger to ones self. It truly cause a lot of percentage to think that you want to commit suicide. Anderson Carnagey said that. "Performers like Slayer, Metallica, Ozzy Osbourne and Marilyn Manson have all been the proverbial scapegoat in numerous suicides. Many parents of victims have brought bands to court, claiming that backwards messages and blatantly aggressive lyrics were the cause of their children's violence and/or suicide." 

Even rock icons influences themselves by their own music. who much more if you're just a normal person listening to them? rock music totally influence ones mind when it comes to mental things. Rock music can surely change ones life.

According to the article "Daring to Die: The Psychology of Suicide" by Karen Springpen of stating that, in every time we are here in this world that in a year there are people killing them selves and they are in a million counts who are killing theme selves. Mostly of the people who commit suicide are those who ages 15-24 years old. Many of them has the same reasons, one is their love life second, friends and third family. With all these kinds of reasons they are becoming to be depress, lonely and being traumatized. Karen Springpen stated that. "Every year millions of people around the world try to kill themselves and nearly one million of them succeed. Suicide is the 11th biggest killer of Americans and the third-leading killer of 15- to 24-years old. The U.S. suicide rate is increasing for the first time in a decade, primarily as a result of the rise in the practice among whites aged 40 to 64, according to a new report covering the years 1999 to 2005 from the Center for Injury Research and Policy at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health."

We all know that suicide is considered as a major public health problem around the world as well as a personal tragedy. These factors include biological vulnerabilities, life history, occupation, present social circumstances, and the availability of means for committing suicide. While these factors do not "cause" suicide in the strict sense, some people are at greater risk of self-harm than others. My conclusion is that, Even though you are being influence by rock music to commit suicide, You better think to whats really going to happen. In the good way? Or, in the bad way?

Monday, February 17, 2014

blogpost 2: rock and roll to an individual

As a rock music lover, I'am surely being affected by just listening to it. For me, rock music is everything, its like my way of life. Music will never define me if they not exist. When I have troubles in my life music is just there to comfort me. Now, I'm going to tell you how rock music affects an individual's mind by using drugs, having sex and change of believes.

According to the article that I've read which is "Sex, Drugs, and Rock ‘n’ Roll" by Donald Durham of stating that an individual listening to rock music are trying to emulate the personality of the mood of a certain band. If the that band is an emotional band that certain individual is adopting all of the bands mood. They always tend to follow the meaning or the message of whatever song that the band made. "For decades perhaps longer each generation of human society has adopted a genre of music to identify with. This phenomenon in terms of the emerging identity of the adolescents of that generation, while others have emphasized the cathartic use of the generation’s music to express itself in less aggressive terms than might otherwise emerge. John Wesley was known to have taken well-known bar ditties and turned them into Christian hymns in the early Reformation movement much to the chagrin of the established society of the time." Donald Durham said.

For me, rock music surely influences me by its songs and genres. It is like rock music is the music influential genre ever made in my opinion. Many people can't even survive without rock music.

As I said that rock music can affect everything in you is that, its not only influential to your sex,drugs and ect. it can change your cultural and religion believes. According to the article that I have just read which is "Ethno-National Pop-Rock Music Aesthetic Cosmopolitanism Made from Within" by Motti Regev of saying that if you are just a normal person with a normal religion you are into, there is a chance that rock music can make a change out of that person. I think its all because that the certain rock band has its own cultural and religion believe that the certain fan will also adopt its mood for being them. Motti Regev stated that. "Pop-rock music is portrayed as a major embodiment of the transformation of national cultural uniqueness from purist essentialism into aesthetic cosmopolitanism. Examining the local production of ethno-national pop-rock, and its public reception and legitimation through half a century, the article demonstrates how forces within the national context greatly contribute to cultural globalization."

For me, there is nothing wrong about this kind of situation it always depends on that certain person. Like if they like to change, well, go ahead! If they don't want to lets all respect them. 

My conclusion is, rock music is not to our society. Just imagine rock music is just a plain old music that you will love and you will appreciate until the end.